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Welkom op de website van Verkeersschool Johan Mulkens
Per 1 september 20024, zullen wij stoppen met onze verkeersschool!
Bel voor inlichtingen +31 (0)6 5136 7529 en kijk op onze Facebookpagina
Sinds 1981 uw adres voor het snel en vakkundig opleiden voor rijbewijs A en B, bromfiets, taxi en verkeersregelaar.
Vanaf 2013 is onze verkeersschool ook actief in België!
Zowel voor kandidaten uit België, als ook Nederlandse studenten woonachtig in België, is het mogelijk om bij onze verkeersschool lessen te volgen om in België examen te kunnen afleggen.
Welcome to the Johan Mulkens Traffic School website
Call for information +31 (0)6 5136 7529 and check out our Facebookpagina
Since 1981 we've been place to come to for training to obtain drivers licenses; motorbike (A), moped (AM), car (B), and also for courses to gain certification as taxi chauffeur and traffic controller.
Traffic school director Johan Mulkens has over thirty years experience in guiding students to success in obtaining their driver's license.
Practical lessons when purchased in a value package are coupled with free clear and coherent theory lessons (in English) – a must when making your way through the many many rules and exceptions to those rules that make up the Dutch traffic laws.
As from today our traffic school is also operational in Belgium!
It is now possible for both Belgian candidates and Dutch candidates living in Belgium to attend our lessons and then complete their exams in Belgium. The Johan Mulkens Traffic School is the first (and still only) traffic school in the Netherlands to be granted permission to operate cross-border.
Verkeersschool (Traffic School) Johan Mulkens
Vroenhovenweg 190
6213 HD Maastricht
+31 (0)6 5136 7529
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IBAN nr. NL53INGB0008336410
BTW nr. NL001339360B23
KvK nr. 14621985